EO-70 Secretion Management

Produits & support


Secretion Management

Thanks to its design and its HD graphic interface, the secretion management device EO-70 offers to patients and care givers an ease of use.

His design, based on a station with a removable module of only 2kg, able to work with internal battery, gives unrivalled mobility solutions.

Complete and adaptive treatment

The EO-70 High performance allows you to set pressures from -70 to +70 mbar.

Dual modalities are achievable with this device:

  • An in-exsufflation mode – INEX
  • A Pressure relief maneuver mode – IPPB
  • Adjustable oscillations
  • Three customizable presets

The Coaching Function

The coaching function, now available with the EO-70, goes even further in supporting the patient’s therapy. It is an interactive pedagogic tool to ensure a better adherence to therapies.

Simplifying education, this function aims to improve patient acceptance.
New visual aids developed to motivate the patient during his therapy.

Intuitive interface

You can set the treatment thanks to a 7inch HD touch screen.
This screen allows a simple access to setting and a visualization of monitoring.
These settings can be modified directly on the home screen for a quick treatment close to the patient.

Improved conditions of treatment

The EO-70 proposes an extractible module of treatment for a minimal clutter and a better portability.
The EO-70 contains an internal battery for an closer patient use and allows an autonomy of 4 sessions.

EO-70 is a Class IIb medical device – Manufacturer: EOVETM – GMED 0459 – The EO-70 Secretion Management Device provides treatment support for pediatric and adult patients weighing at least 5 kg (11 lbs) who requires secretion management support. – Read the user manual

Dimensions Weight Size
Dock 1,6 kg 25x21x13 cm
Module 1,8kg 24,5×14,5×10 cm
Screen 7 inch, touch screen, coulors, HD

Operational modes AUTO / MANUAL Inh. Flow (l/min) 5-100
Inh. Pressure (cmH2O) 5-70 Inh. Slope ON / OFF
Slope 0-5 Pressure Max. (cmH2O) 10-50
Inh Time (s) 0.5-5, AUTO mode only. Inh. Trig. OFF / 1-8
Insp. Oscillation Freq. (Hz) 4-20 PEEP (cmH2O) OFF / 1-20
Insp. Oscillation Amp. 1-3 Exh Slope 0-5
Trigger OFF / 1-3, AUTO mode only. Inh. Max Time (s) 0.5-20
Exh. Pressure (cmH2O) 0 to -70 Treatment time (min) OFF / 5-30
Exh. Time (s) 0.5-5, AUTO mode only.
Exhal. Oscillation Freq. (Hz 4-20
Exhal. Oscillation Amp. 1-3
Pause (s) OFF / 0.5-5, AUTO mode only
PEEP (cmH2O) OFF / 1-20
Cycles Nb 1-20, AUTO mode only.
Treatment End Inhalation/Exhalation, AUTO mode only.

Manuals EO-70

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Manuels Patient EO-70

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Manuels Coaching EO-70

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Manual paper version is available by sending a request to the distributor or to the manufacturer within a delay of 7 working days

EO-70 Old documents versions
